Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Party Dress W.I.P+ suggestions?

W.I.P= work in progress^^; and what I mean by that is I took random shots of me in the dress I'm going to wear to my work's spring corporate party this coming Monday with the accessories and shoes I chose! In the photos my hair is just pulled back with a headband, so please disregard that. Let me know if the rest looks good together (ex. dress+belt+shoes). Perhaps I could have suggestions for the hair? I'm thinking of doing a double braided hairband (with my own hair) and curl my hair leaving it down, and have my bangs out....Let's see if I can pull it off! I guess I'm going for a Grecian goddess look or something...
FYI though, I don't know how to braid LOL It's sad actually, I know...but there is this helpful youtuber who shows steps to all types of braiding which I'll be following very slowly for sure ~.^"

Again, ignore the hair...

haha the picture looks better when my face is slightly cut off in it lol

$10 tie-able gold necklace! it works I think ^^"

blurry pic sorry, but this is my bangle bracelet :)

sexay platforms (with flash)

platforms with my daily Audrey purse <3

If you have any questions about any thing I'm wearing let me know!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mall dress-up!

Today I was planning to go to the mall to find a fancy belt to go around a dress I will be wearing at my work's spring party this coming Monday! I am super excited for it because we rented a limo to bring us all there <3 I love the girls I work with! Also, the limo is needed because we will be doing a lot of drinking...ahem...;) Anyways, I decided to dress up to go on my mall adventure and this is what I wore:

I think next time I will go for gray thigh highs or none at all!

awkward timez

audrey in the background<3

put my hair back because I was too lazy to do anything with it. 
make-up look: smokey gray eye that you can hardly see b/c of the flash >.<

It was such a lovely day today to get out and go somewhere. I usually don't try to look nice when I go out to do errands because I feel like I don't have anyone to impress anyways. Today I actually felt good enough to try and I felt great...however a little awkward when I went to the mall alone looking like this! lol I guess it's because I'm not used to looking all "fashionista" or something. To add to the awkwardness, I was whistled at by a group of guys at the mall. I couldn't believe it!!! Who whistles at girls in the mall? I really thought guys only did that when they are riding in their cars! Even that is too much for me...I hate when guys do that because I'm never sure if they are making fun of you or not. They looked like they were 17-19 yrs old, so I thought to myself, "I must be their teenage dream" LOL. <3 ahahaha. Anyways, I just felt more awkward and a little humiliated from that experience.

Anyways, I went to so many stores trying to find a nice gold belt to fit my fancy dress and couldn't find anything! If I did find something it was out of price range by a lot!!! :( As I was leaving through a store called "The Bay," I finally stumbled upon some accessories! The gold caught my eye, and they ended up being long gold necklaces. Anyways, the one I ended up buying is long enough to fit around my waist, and is one of those tie-able necklaces as well. It only cost $10 :):) Definitely in my price range, that's for sure! I will be making another post with the belt and dress probably tomorrow ;)

hearts to all <3

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Zac Efron.

I really wish I got to meet him, he is so funny, charming and cute. Also, he's not just a pretty face and that's what I like most about him. haha it's like I know him personally or something...I WISH!

All I can do is stare at dreamy pictures of him hehe ^.^; I'm so glad he's not with crummy Vanessa Hudgens, I really dislike her and her acting is not up to par either. Well, who knows for sure if they are or not together but last time I heard they were broken up...fingers crossed! :):) I don't care who else he goes out with as long as it's not her, and as long as it's me a girl can dream I suppose <3

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hula Hoop Girl

Today I finally posted my hula hoop video on YT. It shows me in action with my hula hoop that I bought custom made locally! My friends have asked me what makes a hula hoop custom made, so maybe hula hooping as an exercise is a new idea? I don't know. Anyways, what makes my hula hoop "custom-made" is the size, colour, and weight. I had it fitted from my belly button to the ground, and the colours I chose were my fave: red, black, and white!!! <3 Also, I got to choose the amount of lbs in the hoop: 2-3lbs. I think the lady used liquid weights (if that exists?) or water because when I hula I hear a splashing sound ahahaha. It's a great and fun exercise but you can't overdo it. That means, you should only hula hoop in 2-3 min. intervals during a day! I usually go for 5 min intervals when I'm watching tv, because I just get carried away!

If you can't find someone that makes them custom, you can also find them in other stores such as Wal-mart. I was going to buy one from Wal-mart but I had experienced bad customer service the one day I went to find one! My bf luckily found this lady's ad on a site called "kijiji", and I was so happy! It only cost me $30 too :)

Here are some pics of me in hula hoop action: 

Doesn't it look like a lot of fun?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Red to Brown hair :(


Wow, I can finally post a blog after 2 1/2 months! I'm almost finished University for good...or until I go back to do a Masters degree. Yes, apparently to be a librarian I need to get a Masters in Information Studies LOL >.> but if that's what is required then I'm up for the challenge! Although, I really hate University...
Anyways, I wanted to post some before and after pictures of my hair. I'm kind of sad that I had to go back to boring brown hair (my natural hair colour) because red is so beautiful. However, red hair was too expensive and annoying to maintain but I kept it up for four months!!! :) At least the brown dye I used has some red shimmer in it  <3 Bye bye red hair and hello golden brown!

The colour was inspired by Amy Adams in my fave Disney film, "Enchanted"

lovely photo by my brother :) 

new brown hair & silly face :P

no makeup btw :P