Yet another late post sorry. Here are some things I received as Christmas gifts from family and also some gifts I bought for myself recently because of all the sales! hahah ;D This is just a filler post as you can see...ahem...
COACH: Cashmere Gloves with beautiful 3D bow details from my Godparents <3 |
My aunt and uncle (my "godparents") always buy me gifts every Christmas. For the last three Christmas' they have bought me items from COACH. They bought me my first COACH wristlet 3 years ago, which was my first ever 'designer' accessory/purse item! Now I love COACH and you will see later what I bought for myself from there too! These gloves are sooo soft and luxurious. I absolutely love the gold button detail and the coloured bows <3 I have yet to wear them because I'm afraid of ruining them, and I also want to save them for a nice event/outing!
CONAIR: curling iron gift from my older bro and sis-in-law <3 |
Ok. My bro and his wife didn't actually pick this for me. They had bought me a gift card for Wal-mart and I decided to buy this! I needed a new curling iron because the one I had was originally my mom's from the I hope you understand that any curler is better than the one I was using!!! haha I used this once so far, and it heats up super fast and it worked very well. I hope to use it more often, and I really like that it's ceramic.

With the remainder of the wal-mart gift card, I bought three movies seen above. I never seen 'Sky Captain' so I decided to try it out for only $3.97! It was an awesome movie and I'm glad I bought it! 2nd is 'Arthur' with my future hubby, Russell Brand <3 love this movie!!! I bought it on sale for $10.00! 3rd is both of the 'Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants' movies in one disc-set which I bought for only $5.00. I never buy double disc-sets but since I had only seen the first movie, I decided I would buy them this way just in case the 2nd movie was shitty...which it wasn't after all. I actually would say I liked the second one better although both are good overall.
Le Chateau- black military style boots $35.00 (on sale) |
Yet another pair of boots. I have always loved military style-ANYTHING! When I saw these I had to get them and luckily they were 30% off of $60.00 but originally they were over $100! Good deal :) They are super sexy and I hope to have a outfit post with these in a future blog post!
COACH: red Satchel $70.00 (on sale) |
I love red and I have been dying to buy an over-the-shoulder purse for a very long time. I saw some of my gfs have these satchels from COACH and for the longest time I debated if I should spend a lot just for a purse. I finally bit the bullet and purchased one at the COACH factory outlet near where I live. I received 30% off when I entered the store, and I knew I was going to get one of these with it!This is actually the first designer purse/accessory I have every bought on my own :)
New Balance: exercise clothing $35.00 (on sale) |
New Balance (a high-end athletic store) was having a 60% sale on everything and it was my first time ever stepping into their store! Now I will go to the gym in style ;D
Zellers & Wal-Mart: exercise bras $11-15.00 ea |
More exercise stuff I bought myself to get me motivated to workout and go to the gym more often!
Nothing else to say. I have been working a lot and never have time to go out and dress up lately :( I hope to have better posts soon!!!