Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Hair bro.

After my tea party I got my hair cut! It's still the same length on the bottom, but I have short choppy layers on top! I loves it <3 I also dyed it a reddish-brown colour because my past colour was faded so much. I wish my hair was naturally red but it was too hard to keep up all the time :( I have decided to grow out my natural hair colour, and the dyed colour really would blend well with it. Here are the results! *Caution: I am a nerd* lol.

the colour it was before I dyed it!

After: brown-red hair with new hair cut!!! <3 The blonde parts are extensions;D

x.I can make your skies sunny.x

My bf is Harry Potter.

Hey everyone, here is yet another late post. I've been lazy, I'm sorry! :( I just wanted to make a quick post about the last Harry Potter movie, and how I absolutely....LOVED it, except the ending. I hated the epilogue in the book and was disappointed that they actually included it in the movie. I also dislike that they only took maybe one minute to depict Snape's past. I wish it was LONGER because that was my favourite part in the last book *sigh.*

On my actual birthday, I went downtown Toronto and took the subway with my friend. There is a subway stop called "St. Patrick Station" and it happened to be adorned in huge Harry Potter posters advertising the movie (my bday was two weeks before the movie came out). We decided to take pictures there, and I like to say that I got to be with my bf, Harry Potter ^.~ you will see why in a moment!!! (Although, I always had a thing for Draco Malfoy ;)) <3

I'm about to join him at Hogwarts through that door ;)

my bf <3 mhm mhm mhm

obviously, I was the reason for their hatred for one another!

Then, when the movie came out, I dressed up in my Gryffindor uniform and went to the movies! It was epic. GRYFFINDOR FO' LYFE YO. <3 I hope you enjoy my nerdiness!

x.I can make you skies sunny.x