Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Hair bro.

After my tea party I got my hair cut! It's still the same length on the bottom, but I have short choppy layers on top! I loves it <3 I also dyed it a reddish-brown colour because my past colour was faded so much. I wish my hair was naturally red but it was too hard to keep up all the time :( I have decided to grow out my natural hair colour, and the dyed colour really would blend well with it. Here are the results! *Caution: I am a nerd* lol.

the colour it was before I dyed it!

After: brown-red hair with new hair cut!!! <3 The blonde parts are extensions;D

x.I can make your skies sunny.x


  1. Yay, I love your new hair style, you look so pretty! :)

    The Cat Hag

  2. OMG nice you look stunning as hell !:O
    I want to change my hairstyle too but dont know what to do with my hair at the moment... So still thinking hard... haha x


Thanks for making my skies sunny :)